Written by: SharMP

Mistakes are given
but it doesn't mean
it will totally ruin
Mistakes must be
proven accepted
so that good things
will happen in unexpected.

Mistakes aren’t pure as white
but aren’t dark as black
Look up to see bright
and feel right
that there's hope
Look down to not
judge others life slips up.

Mistakes is less than
of a hundred bundles
of pen, Contrary
to a sin that is more than
hundred bundles of paper.
Mistakes! A sin is a sin.
However, a person can learn.

A pen to write our mistakes
A pen to write our learning
in that take,
A paper to wait for Him
to write our sin
A paper to burnt into darkest
ocean 'till we're forgiven.

But for what is all that?
To write, to write, to wait
and to burnt into darkest,
It's all for ourselves, ourselves
to take back our soul
to Him, despite of our
bad coexistence hymn.

For those who commit hurt in You
Mistakes or mistakes, sin or sins
Let don’t break you, for that
will make You, You
To say the least, the painful cry
is when those who commit
hurt in you is You.

The question is a lot to catch
Not similarly, go out and see
the beauty of mistakes
in this whole world
Watch the existence of world
But to say watch, don't just watch
Appreciating while watching is a match.



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